Group Coaching

For Out-of-Field English Teachers

Out-of-Field Teaching

Teaching out-of-field is hard. But we know that schools often can’t provide enough specialist teachers in English and Maths while they need to offer an ever wider range of subjects.

Teachers who are continually given out-of-field subjects to teach are at risk of losing faith in their own ability, which will translate to a feeling that they are failing students. Sadly, this will often lead to them leaving the profession because no one can continue to flourish while their aspirations and purpose is being challenged.

Enrolments for Semester 1 2025 will open in October


Group coaching for out-of-field English Teachers.

Semester 1 sessions will commence in the week of:

February 5th 2024 for individual pre-sessions

February 19th 2024 for group sessions.

February 9th 2024 – Final date for enrolment in Semester 1

Early Bird discounts will apply until January 25th 2024

Of the 7 domains in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, Standard 2 is all about knowing the content of the subject being taught and the ways of teaching it: its pedagogy. That knowledge is simply not there for out-of-field teachers.

The detrimental effect of Out-of-Field teaching.

But it is estmated that over 40% of classes in these important subjects are being taught by out-of-field teachers.

Usually it is in the years 7 – 10 and often it is by early career teachers.

According to an article in EducationHQ in October 2021 the New South Wales Teachers Federation (NSWTF) claimed that over 100,000 secondary students were being taught by out-of-field teachers.

This has been happening for a while and mostly was managed because of the support and mentoring of experienced teachers.

We Teach Well teacher and students

But then covid-19 happened and everything went remote.

Out-of-field and early career teachers didn’t even have access to the staffroom. That space where often our pedagogy is learned by osmosis.

In 2020 we watched as education communities managed the fastest and most encompassing change to their work practices in recent history.

We were reminded just how much talented and committed educators can accomplish when they are given the chance to broaden their pedagogy.

And for all the issues that came with technology, we have discovered it can be used effectively for professional development.

Teachers now have access to professional learning networks (PLNs) that do not depend on geographic location, and often  span the globe.

The internet allows us to provide coaching and professional development for your out-of-field English teachers, no matter where your students and staff are located.

Our Solution

Providing targeted, helpful, group coaching that focusses on teaching and learning.

The Program

Through a combination of individual and group coaching, and using the 3 phases of the Performance and Development Cycle,*** your out-of-field English teachers will:

  1. Accelerate their professional growth through targeted planning and goal setting.
  2. Be shown how they can apply their current knowledge to the requirements of English teaching and learning.
  3. Increase their subject knowledge through coaching and collaboration.
  4. Increase their confidence in professional conversations through understanding subject specific pedagogy.
  5. Connect with current research on English education.
  6. Be introduced to supportive and subject specific PLNs.
  7. Increase their capacity for problem solving through discussion and sharing pedagogy.
  8. Articulate a sound understanding of pedagogy and practice.

*** The Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework was endorsed by Education Ministers at the Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood (SCSEEC) on 3 August 2012.

All our current programs are aligned with the Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Your Coaches

Photos of the coaches

Carolyn and Judy

We Teach Well coaching and mentoring programs work because:

  • Our coaches have years of successful teaching and mentoring experience.
  • We understand the requirements of both State and Federal education bodies, and the demands of their whole school reviews.
  • We know that teachers are multi-faceted and that to be successful, their professional goals must align with other areas of their lives.

What You Get

Group Coaching

Includes 2 one on one sessions and 8 group sessions over the semester.  Maximum group size is 6 participants

√     Initial 45 min. 1 on 1 coaching session to establish goals and expectations.

√   8 x 60min. weekly group sessions. **

    Solid introduction to the fundamentals of English language and literature pedagogy.

  A comprehensive program workbook for tasks and reflection. In writeable PDF and a B&W copy for printing. 

√    WTW lesson planning templates.

√    A selection of WTW resource packages.

    Email and messenger support between sessions.

√    Completion 45 min. 1 on 1 coaching session to evaluate progress and map future learning.

** Maximum of 6 participants in a group.

Bonus: Participants will have access to our virtual ‘Open Staffroom’

We will be hosting a 2 hour live session fortnightly, where participants can come to ask questions, share information or just hang out.


What Our Colleagues Say

Having worked in secondary schools with both teachers I have no hesitation in recommending them. Their knowledge of what is required for student success in English is indisputable. As is their compassion and sensitivity to colleagues who they will mentor and support on their teaching journey.
J. Robb

Deputy Principal, (Retired) Queensland.

Just having that external, reliable, friendly ear outside of my school environment to talk too. It was a godsend this year and I wouldn’t have made it through without it. Mentoring was always supportive, encouraging, and helpful.

E. Enticott

Secondary Teacher, Victoria

Carolyn is an excellent mentor always ready to help out her students and anyone around her with her skills and expertise. The work “weteachwell” is doing is important and highly relevant in today’s education landscape where creativity and arts education needs to be encouraged along with digital learning, to develop 21st century skills.

Hima TK

Founder, InquiBox, Melbourne


Will we get reports on the teacher's progress?

We understand that you will want to know how your teachers are going, but effective coaching and mentoring rely on a relationship of trust. Teachers in the program need to know that their sessions are confidential, within the parameters of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Schools will have the opportunity of submitting requests for particular issues to be addressed. They will also receive a completion report at the end of the program, however, they will not have access to the content of the sessions.

Is there a recognised framework to the program?

Absolutely.  Obviously the program is tailored to the particular group, we are teachers after all. We know about differentiation. However, the program is created to support and promote both the Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

We Teach Well endorses wholeheartedly the idea that supporting a teacher’s professional growth is the best way to ensure that all students become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active, informed citizens. *

The coach will model and support the standards of professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional engagement as set out by the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. (APST) 

*Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework. p.3

What does the school need to do?

While it is understood that schools and their teachers are under a great deal of pressure right now, it would be good if the school appointed someone who the participant can report to if needed.

The Framework requires that teacher performance and development processes and goals should reflect the overall approach to teaching and learning within a school and should be consistent with the school plans. So it would be good if the participant is aware of these.

Can we use these sessions for teacher appraisal?

No, the Framework aims to promote genuine professional conversations that improve teaching and minimise the risk that administrative and bureaucratic requirements will become the focus. 

(You see what I did there? My language got all formal. That was the interpretation given by the QIEU)

Will we have the opportunity to assess the program?

Absolutely. Participant and school evaluation of the program will be sought and appreciated.

The core criteria for all We Teach Well coaching and mentoring programs are taken from the Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders.

Has the professional learning program:

  • Informed practice and pedagogy.
  • Been relevant, collaborative and future focused. 
  • Assisted the teachers and schools  to modify practice in response to student needs.
  • Clarified for the teachers and administrations the importance of professional learning networks and communities of practice.
  • Demonstrated that evidence of practice can and should be collected from a variety of sources.
  • Built the confidence of the teachers as valued professionals.

What is your refund policy?

Refunds can be considered up until the individual sessions begin. The coaches will spend a great deal of time in matching the participants and preparing for the sessions during this time.

However, if there is a good reason for the drop-out you can substitute another participant. We will provide the support needed to help the new participant fit into the group.